September is a transition month, not quite Fall but no longer Summer. Here in Zone 5 in Southwestern Michigan,...
September is a transition month, not quite Fall but no longer Summer. Here in Zone 5 in Southwestern Michigan,...
In this issue of Yard Talk, we are going to discuss butterflies and butterfly gardening. Once you...
This month we are going to talk about lawn mowing. Specifically, we will be addressing the maintenance...
Wildflower Gardening has, in recent years, enjoyed an increase in popularity as gardeners have discovered just how...
We have now spent the last few issues discussing perennials in the garden. If perennials are the...
This month’s issue of Yard Talk is, as we promised, devoted to “Plants for the Sunny Garden.”...
Last month we talked about on-line and mail order sources for plants and supplies. In the next...
As I sit down to write this month’s Yard Talk, I look out into our woodlot blanketed...
Now is the time to get out and clean up those flower beds and garden areas. Remove...