Winter is a time when understated details come to the foreground. Dead withered flowers, like the faded...
Why is Gardening for Wildlife so important today? The answer is that habitat used by wildlife is...
While last month we briefly covered most of the basics of water gardening, this month we are going to...
Not all of us are fortunate enough to live by lakes or streams. Most of us, if...
This month we are looking at herbs in the kitchen garden. Although herbs have always had a...
Tomatoes are our most popular vegetable (actually they are a fruit that was once considered poisonous) found...
In this month’s Yard Talk we will look at mulch and mulching (Cedar Chips, Cypress, Bark, Cocoa...
The most neglected maintenance task for most homeowner is taking care of our shrubs. Just like our...
For the past month we have all been receiving gardening catalogs through the mail. Most of these...
In December’s Yard Talk we made a case against using a potted conifer as a Christmas Decoration. In fact...